Sedan Token
2 min readJun 12, 2021


Introducing, SedanToken

What is SedanToken ($SDAN)?

SedanToken ($SDAN) is a BEP20 token which aims to give away a sedan each month! SedanToken incorporates a 3% Burn on every transaction which goes towards purchasing Sedans for the winners. The Sedans will be bought from a winners local dealership, the brand of the Sedan will depend on the community poll results. We aim to give away a Sedan each month although this depends on how much $SDAN has been burnt and collected.
SedanToken will also make charity governance donations if any funds are left over after purchasing sedans for the winners!

SedanToken is much more than giving away cars to lucky holders! The team are dedicated to develop the first EVER decentralized car marketplace in the EU & USA!

$SDAN Tokenomics

  • 500,000,000 $SDAN Total Supply
    - 157,500,000 $SDAN Liquidity
    - 4,500,000 $SDAN DxSale Platform Fees
    - 50,000,000 $SDAN Marketing Fund
    - 25,000,000 $SDAN Legal Fund
    - 35,000,000 $SDAN Burn

When can I buy $SDAN?

At 500 members the DxSale Link will be posted, the presale is projected to be short and sweet due to the low Hardcap 👀

Softcap: 15BNB
Hardcap: 30BNB
$SDAN per BNB: 7,500,000 $SDAN
Min contribution: 0.1BNB | Max Contribution: 1BNB
Listing rate: 1BNB = 7,000,000 $SDAN

*Figures may change*

Official Links

Mainnet Contract:

Sneak peak of upcoming website…



Sedan Token

SedanToken aims to give away a sedan each month! SedanToken incorporates a 3% Burn on every transaction which goes towards purchasing Sedans for the winners.